

Since 2005, France's infamous D.I.Y. rock monster TRAUMATISME, the eye-patch wearing "one-man band" coming straight from the mind of NICOLAS TIFAGNE, gathers his love of shock rock anti-heroes, retro horror movies, social misfits and celluloid freaks, brews it all together with a dash of camp, dark humor and catharsis, and writes the diary of his personal journey against a backdrop of catchy and infectious melodies. In his lifelong quest to bring to life his twisted dream of creating his own rock and roll oddity, he pulls the strings of his progeny all by himself, writing his own songs, recording his own albums, directing his own music videos and creating his own artwork, pushing the D.I.Y. ethos to its unhealthy limits. TRAUMATISME has self-released eight albums to date, the latest one being "FREAK ACCIDENT" (2023). "À la Vie, à la Morgue!"